Saturday, November 17, 2007

My new exercise program, snow, and my secret shame

The above items seem to have nothing in common but I am about to change all of that. First of all, I need to tell y'all about my new exercise program. It is a wonderful program that helps you burn calories without even breaking a sweat!! I exercised for 4 hours straight and was able to sit on my butt the entire time!! It's a fool proof method that allows even the laziest of people to burn calories. Y'all have to try it. I'm going to call it the Shiver System. Here's my secret : The heat in my car does not work!! I drove from Philly to New York (for 4 hours) in 20something degree weather. I was able to burn calories while shivering in my freezing cold car. I was able to burn even more calories when it started to snow and I had to turn the air conditioner on so I could use the de-froster. It was amazing!! I probably was able to burn off the calories in at least one candy bar, if not more. Just think of the calories I will burn off when it starts to get bitter cold!! I don't think I can lose with this exercise program. I did some research on the internet and found out that you burn 2-4 times as many calories when you are shivering versus just plain cold. Very interesting!! :). So on my drive up North I got to experience my first snow of the season. It was just a dusting but it was still snow!! It reminded me of the many drives through those mountains when I had scary driving conditions. I was driving from Philly to New York once (or on my way back???) and hit complete white out conditions. It was very scary. All you see is white snow and nothing else. I also remember times when there were accidents every couple of miles due to horrible road conditions. I have definitely had some of my scariest driving experiences on that road (Route 81 through Northern PA). So I have tied together my new exercise program and the snow. Now it's time to let you in on my secret shame. I was perseverating on my secret shame during a time of almost unbearable cold in my heatless car. It helped to occupy my time for a little bit anyways. There were many lanes closed due to construction on my trip. This is my secret: I have always wanted to knock over one of the cones/dividers that separate the two lanes. I feel like it would bring me a little bit of joy to see one of those orange menaces topple over. I was on 476 (the PA turnpike's NE extension) and it was completely deserted. I was planning
on knocking over my construction thingy and stopping to take a picture of it knocked over in the highway so I could document it for y'all. Well I lost my nerve around the same time that I lost my opportunity. Why did I lose my nerve you may ask? It's not like I would be doing anything illegal or anything. This is the reason I was nervous: I actually had a friend cause a few hundred dollars of damage to her car because she accidentally knocked over a cone and it got stuck underneath her car. I've also known people to knock over those cones and nothing happens to their cars. So apparently there is an art to knocking them over. I assumed at the time that I would be the one to get the cone stuck underneath my car or some random thing like that because that tends to be how my car carma works. I weighed my options and decided I better not push my luck because nothing has happened to my car in over a month (Although I did run into a stop sign the other day, causing my bottom light to pop out of its socket :)). So I chickened out although I did find myself with no cones in the road to knock over. After my mind was occupied by this nonsense for quite awhile, I returned to thinking about my freezing cold state. This made the miles and minutes seem endless (especially when I watched the mile markers go by at tenth of a mile intervals!!). I ended up stopping at a gas station to warm up and thaw out my fingers :). So I should go because this post is very bizarre and it is pretty late.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Una noche para chicas--una esfuerza combinada de Becca y yo

Becca me dijo que necesito escribir en espanol. Yikes!!! Vale, aqui estan algunas fotos de nuestra noche de las chicas (menos Lynette).

Los comentarios de NIna est'an encima de las fotos, y los mi'os estan debajo.

Laura es muy guapa

Si, ella es muy guapa. Nuestra "noche de chicas" empezo' con mucho charlando y "catching up" Fue MUY bueno estar con mis chicas otra vez porque las he echado MUCHO de menos. EStar con ellas fue como estar en mi hogar. Me alma estaba en su descanso con mis amigas tan buenas.

Antes de este foto, Becca me dijo que ella no esta guapa en fotos. Yo le dije, "Claro que si, estas muy guapa en muchas fotos!!" Este foto no esta guapa de ella. Estaba muy chistoso.

Si, ja ja ja!!! Cuando la foto sali'o estabamos riendo muchi'''simo. Yo ten'ia raz'on y ella no! Ja ja ja ja!!!

Yo rompi el sofa durante este foto. !!!!Que triste!!!!!

Si, en esta foto, no estamos sonriendo porque nos estabamos preocupando mucho del sofa roto.

?Quien es el hombre en la foto? No se!!!! E'l tiene una sonrisa para la foto. Becca siempre saca fotos de las personas extranas.

Esta manana por la manyana hicimos cola enfrente de la biblioteca para la venta de libros ...una venta de rebajas!!!!

Tenemos que traer bolsas para comprar muchos libros.

Yo fui corriendo a la cola para obtener un sitio bueno mientras que NIna y Laura veni'an despu'es, charlando.

La linea empieza antes de abrir la biblioteca.

Conocimos a unas mujeres muy habladoras en la cola. Una estaba haciendo punto para hacer un calcet'in para su esposo y me estaban hablando los dos de las cosas de hacer punto...como las agujas, el hilo, los puntos....por eso, el tiempo de esperar nos pasaba muy rapido y antes de que nos dimos cuenta la cola habia crecido MUCHO.

Chicas guapas, guap'''''''''isimas.

Laura compro el cafe ayer pero lo guardo para hoy porque no tenemos cafe en la casa. Ella necesita el cafe cada manana.

Me gusta la bufanda de Laura. nos dijo que es de Italia, de una amiga.

Habia mont'ones de libros. Mont'ones! Y tan baratos!!!

Laura ten'ia que salir temprano entonces, una mujer nos sac'o una foto de los tres.

Decidiendo que libros debia comprar y cuales debia dejar. Ella solo tenia 19 dolares.

Mira el monton de libros que ella compraba.

Yo tenia mas. Muchos de ficcion, cocinar, "crafts", etc. Me ENCANTAN los libros.

En el mall, encontramos chicle de Georgia! Que guay, no?

WAWA!!! NO he visto una WAWA hace mucho tiempo y entonces estaba muy emocionada.

Jugamos Dutch Blitz juntas y entonces sacamos esta foto despues. La cosa es que no se juega Dutch Blitz con las cartas en las manos asi. Por eso sacamos la foto asi. QUer'iamos ser chistosas.

Entonces, fimos a la sala de Lynette para hacer este Blog, y los DOS ten'iamos las cartas en las manos pero no nos dimos cuenta. Cuando lo descubrimos, ten'iamos que sacar una foto.

Este video es del viernes por la noche. CUando yo llamaba a Nina para decirla en cuanto tiempo llegar'ia, aparentamente, me movil no estaba funcionando bien. Esto es la imitaci'on de NIna de mi movil.

Despues de comprar todos los libros, hicimos este video en lo que tenia que FORZAR a nina hablar en espanyol. Que verguenza!!!

Me he divertido mucho con Becca y Laura. Me gusta comprar libros!!