That's not what my Jesus looks like
I can't even pretend to sleep because I am just so upset. I just read Becca's blog and got upset all over again. What is wrong with so many Christians? How can they treat people like that? I feel like I have been effected by horrible churches in such a personal way. I feel like it has scarred me even in ways that I never even realized before. It was mostly my parents and close friends who have had to go through horrible churches. I was just a young kid at the time....but I saw how it made my parents, especially my mom. It definitely scarred her for years to come. I don't think she held bitter feelings towards that church or anything, but it still impacted the decisions she made in future churches. So here is a little of what happened: It was our Vermont church. My parents were young and set out to change the world for Christ. This church tried to stamp the spirit out of them. They never approved of my mom because she worked part-time. She had to because they weren't paying my dad enough to support us. She would work 11 p.m.-7 a.m. so her work schedule NEVER interfered with church activities........she just didn't sleep (some things never change :)). They were horrified that she was working. I don't know everything that happened because I was so young, but here are a few things I was told. My mom did laundry on a Saturday and put the clothes to dry on the clothesline. She forgot about them and they were still on the line Sunday morning. The elders in the church were mad because it appeared as if she had done work on Sunday. When she was 8-9 months pregnant with Cindy she had to mow the lawn because no one in the church would help her. They had pointed out that the grass was too long to begin with.......apparently it didn't have the appearance of cleanliness......and we all know cleanliness is next to godliness!! One time the head elder in the church (an elderly woman) was having her 80th birthday party. My mother had the audacity to dress my baby sister in a cute pink and purple velvet pants suit..........She should have known better!! Baby girls don't wear pants!! It wasn't even for a church was a party!! These few things and a whole bunch of other things led the elders of the church (cheered on by the head elder Zelda) to write my mom a nasty note saying she was an embarrassment to the church. My parents were away for the weekend when they called a congregational meeting to decide if they should vote to fire my dad or not. Thankfully my parents were secretly away looking at another church. They basically left before they were kicked out by this horrible church. To this day, my mother hates the name Zelda (it is an ugly name even if it didn't have an ugly association). She also never ever let us wear pants to church even if they were dressy. This was something I carried with me even in college. She also never let us do any kind of yard work or housework on Sunday. I never really understood it at the time. I always thought it was so silly that she had those rules. I didn't realize that she had been scarred by that church....people who claimed to be followers of Christ and striving to reflect Him in their lives.This past weekend my dad was telling me some tales of a local church. Several people have left this horrible church to go to my dad's church because of issues with legalism. One of the couples was kicked off a board (committee) because he listened to contemporary Christian music. Another man was kicked off because he couldn't control his wife. Apparently she was reaching out to a non-Christian and was driving her to church closer to where she lived so she missed a couple of Sundays. How dare she!! Didn't she know that Christians are supposed to stay in their own secluded bubble and not reach out to others? This church also refuses to join the Valley softball league. Wanna know why? Well I'll tell you!! It's because there are other denominations in the league!! All I gotta say is DUH!! Here is the funny part: THEY DECIDED TO JOIN THE BAR LEAGUE (Yes I mean bar as in drinking bar with alcohol)!!!!! This same church advised the people who decided to leave not to go to my dad's church because it was a "homo-sexual loving" church. They were slandering my dad's name and associating him with a few churches in the denomination. They have never ever even talked to my dad!! What is wrong with these people?
And now several of my closest friends have been hurt by GF. You all know the stories of that church so I won't get into it at all.
I gotta say it again: WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? What Bible are they reading? What Jesus are they trying to mirror? I really have no idea...........because my Bible says that Jesus dined with sinners, thieves, and prostitutes and encouraged us to do the same. My Jesus loved the poor, needy, and weak. My Jesus loved people unconditionally and knew that the only way to heaven was through him. My Jesus didn't care about appearances. My Jesus died on the cross and didn't look pretty doing it. Is the Jesus they are trying to show the world really the same as my Jesus? My Jesus said that we would face persecution and not always be comfortable!! My Jesus cared more about relationships than religion!! My Jesus called for unity amongst Christians and not division. How can these people call themselves Christ-like? How can they send that message to the world?? Why don't they see it? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM??