Thursday, November 17, 2005


I am just so tired. I really have nothing to write. I feel like a zombie. I have so much to do and no time to do it in. I often ask myself why I am doing this and want to drop out. I know things always seem to get done. I just want to sleep and do nothing. Yesterday the piece holding my muffler up broke so my muffler started to drag. It was one of those little annoyances that comes at the worst time and of course costs money. I can never seem to get ahead...I always end up two steps behind. I can never do things the easy way. I have been craving time with God lately. I hate how I get busy and that is one of the first things that goes.
I got to see my niece's dedication on Sunday. She is just so beautiful. It reminds me again how grown-up my sister is :). I am so blessed to have a wonderful family and friends who put up with me even when I'm a zombie :)


At 11:11 AM, Blogger Beccalynn said...

The sun'll come out tomorrow
Wipe away your tears and your sorrow
Til there's none,
Just thinkin about tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There'll be sun
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow
You're only a day away!

You'll be okay Nina. This too shall pass. It always does! I wish there was something else I could do for you other than sing a musicless song on your blog!

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Beccalynn said...

I feel another one coming on...
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullabye.
One day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me....

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Beccalynn said...

I feel another one coming on...
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullabye.
One day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far
Behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me....

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Beccalynn said...

oops! I published that one twice!

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Beccalynn said...

I am sitting at school bored with no kids and no conferences and a long list of things I dont feel like getting to so you don't mind if I annoy you do you? I mean, you'll probably only get to your computer at 11pm when your dead tired and all this is hilariously funny anyway...

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Beccalynn said...

At least I hope so. maybe it will make you smile mid the fog of tiredness and deadness that you are trapped in. Look! There's sunshine in the form of beccas musicless songs! And a rainbow too! There's not just fog out here, but beccas bored postings also

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Beccalynn said...

You should check out my blog. I left you the times for the bridal shop on it. Just let me know when you're free

At 11:21 AM, Blogger Beccalynn said...

Okay, this is the last one, I promies. Eight seems like a good number even though it is really 7 but I accidentally posted one twice! Doh! Te quiero amiga mía y espero que no mueras del trabajo que te inunde. No me gustaría si morirías. Sería muy terrible. Yo estaría super triste y tendría que esperar a morir hasta que mi pelo crecería para que yo ganaría el apuesto nuestro. Porque me parece que ahora tu pelo es mas largo que el mío. Pero, ¿el apuesto cumple en el momento que una persona muere, o se cumple cuando las dos mueren y entonces medimos el pelo y ninguno de las dos sabemos nada de quien gana porque las dos somos muertas? ¡Oy! Estoy muy confundida.
Aquí hay otra canción:
Si no te conociera
Si no estuviera aquí
No habría encontrado
La alegría de vivir
Enciendas melodias
Que brotan en tu voz
Que calman y apaciguan mi lucha enterior
Y aunque somos diferentes
Nos une una pasión
Cantar es nuestra vida
Y mi música es tu voz
A tu lado me siento seguro (¿a?)
A tu lado no dudo
A tu lado yo puedo volar
A tu lado hoy brilla mi estrella
A tu lado mi sueño
Se hará por fin realidad
A tu lado....

...y hay más, you sé, pero estoy harta de escribir por máquina, y por esto me voy.

At 3:33 AM, Blogger Nikki Jordan said...

Now it's 9. I thought for sure I would see spam posts under your 8 comments Nina. Wasn't I pleasantly surprised as were you I am sure. Anyhow, I totally know how you feel, but you said it yourself, it all works out somehow. God provides for His children even when we are not faithful to Him.


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